Saturday, June 30, 2007

Getting to the Shindig

* Be sure to RSVP to save your spot on the boat *

The Island Express has been chartered to bring you to the Shindig. The boat leaves from the Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes at B-dock. Parking is located right across from the harbor office (check the links, look at the maps, and park in one of the 72-hour lots).

Please be there at 10:30 am for an on-time sailing at 11:00 am.

The Island Express will take you on a lovely little ride and deposit you at the Decatur Shores dock in Read's Bay on the south west side of Decatur Island. Your route might look something like this: linky.

The Island Express will return to Decatur at 6:00 pm to take you back to Anacortes and the real world all relaxed and happy after a shindiggity day.

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